The Most Recent Countries That Have Legalised Weed

 The recent legalization of weed in Canada is evidence that the stigma of the drug has decreased. Can this trend happen in other countries? Researching these questions can be a bit tedious, so let me help you! I've compiled a list of some of the most recent countries that have legalised weed, which should make it easier for you to do your own research.

What is legalization?

Legalization is the process of making something legal. In many cases, legalization can refer to the ending of prohibition, which is the historical policy of prohibiting the recreational use of drugs. Today, legalization may also refer to the granting of regulatory approval for a drug or its sale under specific conditions.

Medical and recreational marijuana

Since 2012, nine US states and the District of Columbia have legalised recreational marijuana, while 28 US states have legalised medical marijuana. In Uruguay, which became the first country to legalise marijuana in 2013, sales are regulated and taxed. In Canada, where recreational use of cannabis is legal in some provinces, but not all, the government has announced plans to legalize it nationwide by July 2018.

In recent years, a number of other countries have also moved to legalize marijuana. Germany has allowed medical marijuana usage since 1991, and in 2017 became the first country to legalise pot for recreational use. Portugal decriminalized marijuana possession in 2001 and has since seen a drop in drug-related crime. And last year, Argentina became the latest country to legalize medical marijuana.

While there is still some way to go before marijuana becomes fully legalized around the world, this trend shows that public opinion is shifting in favour of legalization.

Cost of weed in different countries

The most recent countries that have legalized weed are Canada, Uruguay, and Jamaica. The cost of weed in each country varies significantly. In Canada, for example, the cost of an average 2-gram joint ranges from $8 to $10. In Uruguay, the cost of an average 2-gram joint is $6.50. Meanwhile, in Jamaica, the cost of an average 2-gram joint ranges from $3 to $5. As you can see, the cost of weed in different countries varies significantly. This means that whether you’re living in Canada, Uruguay, or Jamaica, you can expect to pay a different price for an average 2-gram joint.

Which Countries Have Legalised Weed?

The recent countries that have legalised weed are Uruguay, Canada, and Mexico.

Which Countries Still Ban Weed?

The world is slowly moving towards more liberal marijuana policies, and as of 2019, there are a total of eleven countries that have fully legalized the plant. This list includes some of the most recent countries to legalize weed, as well as some of the oldest. 

Here are the eleven countries that have legalised weed:

1. Uruguay - Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalise marijuana in 2013, and it has continued to do so ever since.

2. Canada - Canada became the second country in the world to legalise marijuana in 2018, after Colorado.

3. Netherlands - The Netherlands became the first country in Europe to decriminalise marijuana in 1976. However, it still technically bans marijuana possession.

4. Spain - Spain decriminalised marijuana in 2001, but it still bans its use outright.

5. Colombia - Colombia became the first country in South America to legalize marijuana in 2017. Although it has been criticised for its poor implementation of legalization, it is still one of the most liberal countries when it comes to pot policy.

6. Argentina - Argentina became the second country in South America to legalize marijuana in 2018, following Brazil's lead.


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